Выпишите из текста предложения в страдательном залоге и переведите? George Washington was the first President
of the United States. He was a wealthy planter a slave holder of Virginia. Washington was a large and powerful man and impressed people through his strong will and devotion of duty. He was possessed with the idea of putting an end to British rule. He was colonel in the militia and therefore experienced in commanding people. All his life Washington was dedicated to public service. He had a sense of humour, but he was serious and sometimes hard. He wasn’t easy to deal with, but people respected him. When The War of Independence broke up George Washington was appointed Commander – in – Chief of the colonial forces. He wasn’t excellent in military strategy and several times almost lost his small army, but he kept most of his soldier from deserting. His men remained loyal in spite of frequent lack of food, supplies and play. After victory in the Revolutionary War Washington could take over the government and establish a military rule, but he believed in republican government and the glorious cause of American people. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted and the United States was formed as an independent republic. In 1789 George Washington was elected first President of the new republic. As President, Washington appointed talented men to his cabinet. He was fair and open-minded to create a strong executive branch of the government that would co- operate with Congress. Washington retired in 1797, refusing to serve more than two terms of presidency. Later on his name was given to the capital of the United States, built in the federal district of Columbia.
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He was possessed with the idea of putting an end to British rule. Он был одержим идеей положить конец британскому правлению. All his life Washington was dedicated to public service. Всю жизнь Вашингтон посвятил службе государству. When The War of Independence broke up George Washington was appointed Commander – in – Chief of the colonial forces. Когда Война за Независимость закончилась, Джордж Вашингтон был назначен главнокомандующим колониальными войсками. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted and the United States was formed as an independent republic. 4 июля 1776 года была принята Декларация Независимости, и Соединенные Штаты стали независимым государством. In 1789 George Washington was elected first President of the new republic. В 1789 Джордж Вашингтон был избран первым президентом новой республики. Later on his name was given to the capital of the United States, built in the federal district of Columbia. Позже в честь него назвали столицу Соединенных Штатов, построенную в федеральном округе Колумбия.
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