TEST “Countable and Uncountable Nouns” “Pronouns much, many, little, few, a little, a few” Variant
I I. Insert a/an/some: story, news, photos, actor, information, orange, children, doctor, book, teeth II. Insert is/are: 1) There ___ some children in the class. 2) There ___ some pupils in the school. 3) There ___ some milk in the glass. 4) There ___ some sugar in the tea. 5) There ___ some texts in the book. III. Insert much, many, little, few, a little, a few: 1) много apples; 2) мало water; 3) немного information; 4) несколько animals; 5) много snow IV. Translate into English: 1) У нее мало подруг. 2) Дай мне немного сахара. 3) Я дал ему несколько дисков. 4) На столе много газет. 5) В газете много новостей.
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a story some news some photos an actor some information an orange some children a doctor a book some teeth 1. are 2. are 3. is 4. is 5. are 1. many 2. little 3. a little 4. a few 5. much 1. She has few girlfriends. 2. Give me a little sugar. 3. I gave him a few disks. 4. There are many Newspapers on the table. 5. There's many news in the newspaper.
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