Напишите, на ваш взгляд, отношения в будущих семьях и как люди будут проводить время вместе,
чтобы укрепить свои связи
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In the current families, as a rule, the main woman. Perhaps in the future, the policy in families will change and the main thing will be a man. Also, now many parents can not cope with their children, they can forbid them something, but the children just will not listen to them. Now kids grow up with bullies and only a minority grows up normal people. Perhaps in the future all this will change. Perhaps, parents will understand that it is senseless to forbid anything to children, and in each family indifference will reign. I believe that in order for everything to be good in the family, it is necessary to strengthen ties between children and adults. It's worth spending more time together. Go somewhere to walk with the whole family, go to concerts and much more.
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